Zionism: More Powerful Than Coronavirus
Even the most dangerous pandemic can’t halt the fulfillment of God’s Word
Despite the Corona crisis, Jews from all corners of the world continue to come to Israel. Meir and Grace Moses with their two daughters are part of some 600 Jews who decided this week to immigrate to Israel despite the uncertainty, isolation and volatile situation.
The Moses family who arrived from India were moved into isolation at the New Immigrant Absorption Center in Ashdod where they are being cared for with everything they need including even traditional spices from their country of origin.
Over the weekend, 24 new North American immigrants landed in Israel with the help of the Nefesh B’Nefesh organization and were also transferred directly to isolation where they will remain for 14 days until moving into their new homes in various cities around the country. Many more immigrants are expected to arrive in Israel in the coming week including another 50 from North America.
“The isolation is sometimes boring, but everyone here cares for all of our needs,” Meir Moses who lives in the Jewish Agency’s Canada House Absorption Center in Ashdod said. “Our relatives in Israel are also helping with food and other needs. Thank you to everyone for the support and help in keeping our mood uplifted. With the help of God we will keep everyone in good health,” he said.
Victoria Rozkiewicz (30) landed from Ukraine this week with her two-year-old daughter Nika and went straight to a home for isolation prepared for her at the Jewish Agency Absorption Center in Kiryat Yam near Haifa. “My immigration to Israel was planned before the Corona outbreak,” she recalls. “I was happy until I found out that I might not be able to immigrate to Israel because of the cancellation of flights and panic with the airlines. So I started to really worry. I realized I had to get ‘the last flight’ before everything closed,” she said. “I have visited Israel in the past and I know that here I will feel at home. My daughter and I have a sense of security here.”
Prior to her arrival in Israel, the Jewish Agency prepared an apartment at the absorption center and provided all the necessary baby and mothering equipment for Rozkiewicz next two weeks in isolation. Before the family left Kiev, the director of the absorption center, Ruth Cohen, had prepared a detailed list of equipment that includes toddler food, diapers, toys and more. “At the absorption center the Jewish Agency staff was waiting for me with a warm welcome and they had everything my daughter and I needed,” Rozkiewicz said.
The Jewish Agency and the Ministry of Immigration in coordination with the Ministry of Health have formulated comprehensive emergency procedures for the arrival of new immigrants and their safe absorption into Israel. Each new immigrant is required to sign-in prior to his arrival at the place where they will be staying in home isolation as soon as they arrive in Israel. The Jewish Agency operates a 24-hour international status room that works closely with Jewish communities to deal with any scenario that arises and provide immediate assistance to immigrants.
The Jewish Agency’s chairman, Isaac Herzog, instructed emissaries to use technological means and creative ways to fulfill their mission. “We will work to assist Jewish communities around the world and will use technological means to continue ongoing support in areas where we cannot operate physically,” he said. Herzog added that “First and foremost we are concerned for the health and wellbeing of the people of Israel and Jews around the world. It is also our duty also to ensure the safety and health of each and every Jewish Agency employee and our Israeli emissaries around the world for the sake of the new immigrants that arrive in Israel to their new home.”
Yossi Aloni March 26, 2020